I hear it all the time. CEOs tell me during initial discussions, “We are literally leaving $Millions on the table, because my senior team doesn’t communicate as we should and we can’t get aligned.”
When change and alignment are the key obstacles, I work with Powerful Senior Executive teams and their Human Resources leaders, to achieve cross-functional alignment, enhance proactive engagement, solve change management problems, and kick the status quo to the curb.
I’ll make you a bet. I’ll bet you this 1-minute video describes your senior team…
Vision, values, strategies, goals, incentives, actions, etc. are all important. They are all necessary…but not sufficient.
Creating alignment among Senior Executive teams hinges on high levels of emotional intelligence and energy awareness…period. Without these, the inertia of the status quo and the conflicting interests of team members will severely limit progress.
By increasing emotional intelligence and awareness,
the vision, strategy, values, goals, incentives, actions, etc.
SHARED vision, strategy, values, goals, incentives, actions, etc.
How? We very quickly help Senior leaders…often for the first time…clearly see the energy and behaviors they and their peers bring to to the Executive table. We look at how the senior team as a whole is seen by stakeholders.
We uncover what’s underneath dysfunctional behavior and WHY executive teams are not able make the progress they collectively desire.
Then, we work hard during one-on-one sessions and group Mastermind sessions to deepen awareness and rapidly develop the emotional intelligence and the communication skill needed to create break-through performance: achieving buy-in, alignment, trust, and change.
If you are a senior leader or an HR professional frustrated with your organization’s ability to shift and change, let’s start with a quick, 15-minute complimentary phone call by clicking the “Book Now” button below.